Drop your normal potatoes starch lover. The contender is here and they’re staying. While potatoes are a good food - suffice you don’t fry them out in oil - they are high up on the Glycemic index; meaning they invoke an insulin response that is more geared towards fat storage than fat loss.
Sweet potatoes rank lower on the GI index and are wholly composed of complex carbohydrates that provide you with a steady stream of energy without making your waistline look like a brick layering contest.
Most people bake or boil sweet potatoes whole. That’s all good and dandy. But naturally, us being weak and feeble human beings, we crave the ever living shit out of some greasy ass fries every now and then. Sadly that does not compute in alignment with our fitness goals. Which we’re totes sticking to. Pinky promise!
It’s time to cheat your brain into thinking you’re eating fries by making Sweet Potato Wedges!
It couldn’t be simpler. The process is as follows:
- Clean your sweet potatoes like you're scrubbing your Johnson after ploughing through a 19th century prostitute who definitely has syphilis.
- Slice your sweet potatoes (skin on if you prefer - I know I do) into short wedges - make sure they all even out in size. Not like your eyebrows you filthy Neanderthal.
- Drizzle with 2 tablespoons olive oil and add cumin, salt and pepper and mix it all using your filthy hands in a deep bowl. You may add other spices if you prefer, some people report success with cinnamon, mint or ginger. I prefer not to complicate things.
- Layer on the oven's grill at 250 degrees Celsius [450 Fahrenheit] (you better have pre-heated it) for 30 to 40 minutes until crispy and crunchy.
- Enjoy!
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