Sunday, October 20, 2013

Getting Started

Right, so I've never blogged before, so we'll be entering this bumpy ride in the blind altogether, but here goes...

I am a workout and fitness fanatic, that's something everyone comes to know within 5 minutes of meeting me because I'll bitch about having missed my meal-consumption time window by 33 seconds or something of the sort.

I take fitness, working out and healthy eating almost religiously - on account of a rather weighty past life where I indulged in the most sinful of processed junk foods you could possible muster inside that twisted little head of yours.

Alas, I gave this all up around 2008 and I've never looked back since. 

My name is Ramy Kandil, I'm a 23 year old Public Relations Executive working at Google Egypt. I put in six days of working out per week - always before heading to the office - and weigh in around a lovely 70 kgs, standing at 178 cm with an estimated 8% body fat.

In this virtual experiment I'll try my best to offer some advice on tips via the experience gained through numerous trials and errors in the the realms of fitness and the kitchen alike. Do keep in mind that I am no self-professed expert here, I am someone who is very much still undergoing the tribulations of experimentation and coming to terms with understanding what their own body responds to and what doesn't work for it.

My posts will likely not be universal, some of my food or fitness recommendations may not suit your taste nor apply to your needs and goals, but try to inform I shall.

Stay tuned...


  1. Was always wondering why wouldn't you do a blog/vlog and always had ideas running through my head especially while working out.
    I'm looking forward to what you have to offer here. Good luck :)

  2. It's like living in a parallel world with all ur concerns, schedule, meal timings, I know it.
    So in motivation for that, Good job and keep up the good work ��
