Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tip of the Day: Spice Up Your Coffee

Add cinnamon to your coffee. Cinnamon’s effects on controlling blood sugar levels and promoting progressive fat loss are known to science but seldom to the public.

Cinnamon helps your body to better time and control the release of sugar in your body, helping control the release of insulin simultaneously and preventing the conversion of sugars into fat and helping you avoid crashing.

Add ½ a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to your coffee (no sugar - and if you must, aim for brown or preferably honey) and preferably without milk (use skimmed if you must) to consume in the morning or before your workout.


  1. But isn't cinnamon itself fattening?

    1. Certainly not 1/2 a teaspoon of it, no.

      Its effects on controlling blood sugar and insulin release far outweigh any potential negative effects - if any
