Monday, November 18, 2013

The Big “M”: Metabolism boosting tips

Metabolism. You’ve heard this word before. You’d like to think you know what it means quite well. Heck, sometimes you incorporate it into casual conversation when talking about skinny and fat people and why they are how they are. But you don’t. You’re just another drone on the assembly line, sheepishly repeating a word you’ve been exposed to without a real understanding behind it.

Most of you assume that metabolism means the speed by which our body burns through calories, it being high signifies the ability to wolf down an all you can eat pizza buffet and walk away 0 grams heavier and the reverse for the slower version. You know what’s coming now…

Metabolism simply stands for the amount of calories your body requires for bodily functions. The majority of your calories (roughly 60-70%) are spent maintaining basic bodily functions such as breathing, pumping blood, stomach contractions, pooping, the works. The remaining % is dedicated to external physical activity which can be anything from working out, walking or even keeping your body upright!

That being said, the amount of calories you consume per day is needed to maintain these functions, when you consume more (depending on the quality of your calories) you may end up gaining weight (note that it can be either muscle or fat) and consume less than needed and your body will go into starvation mode, allocating less fat for energy and relying on carbs and catabolizing existing muscles to ensure your dumbass survives.

Now that we’ve cleared this up. How do you get your metabolism boosted, i.e., how do you improve your body’s ability to raise the ceiling in regards to the amount of calories it requires to maintain day to day operations?

  1. Get that ass shaking fool!
It’s got to start with you shaking that fat ass of yours off of the goddamn seat/bed. Nothing will happen unless you instigate change yourself. Your metabolism won’t magically decide it will function at higher levels simply because you wish it. You want to boost your metabolism then goddammit boy get your ass moving. Be more active. Walk more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Cycle to the grocery store instead of using the car. Go dancing with your partner on weekends. Do whatever the hell you want just do something!

  1. Hustle! Hustle! Lift it! Hustle!
I’ve tackled it in previous blog posts before, but the concept of incorporating weight lifting as an integral part of your fitness routine cannot be stressed enough. The benefits and their link to boosted metabolism are endless. Weight lifting increases muscle building capacity which in turn burns more calories and therefore requires more calories in return. Add to it the fact that weight lifting trigger hormonal responses which put your body in a fat burning state that is directly tied with boosted metabolism.

  1. HIIT it hard!
I’ve also tackled the concept of HIIT cardio training before and how it can directly affect your fat burning capabilities. HIIT operates by manner of intense exercise for a brief period of time followed by an equal or slightly longer period of moderate activity which is then repeated for a total of 20 minutes or so. Think sprinting for 30-60 seconds followed by brisk walk/light jog for 60 seconds then repeating those intervals for the whole 20 minutes. HIIT instigated hormonal responses which put your body in a fat burning state and has actually been proven to be burn more fat in comparison to LISS or Low impact cardio. Keep in mind that much like anything, too much of it isn’t good for you. HIIT can take its toll on the body so be sure to cycle off of it on a monthly cycle basis, replacing it or incorporating it side by side with LISS exercises throughout the week to keep your body on its toes.

  1. You best not leave nothing in your plate girlfriend!
Stop. Fucking. Skipping. Meals. Do you know what’s the first thing I do when I wake up? I eat. Do I know what I do two hours later? I’m eating again. Guess what happens to me in another three hours? BAM! I’m eating. In another two hours? Gobble Gobble! Do not skip your meals. Spread your meals throughout the day so you’re not gorging on three main meals with gargantuan portions the entire day or god forbid you’re one of those people who eat one meal the entire day. I consume small/medium sized meals every 2 - 3 hours and have my last meal 3 hours before bedtime. This not only ensures that you are never gone long enough without food that you’d be willing to scoff your face with junk, but also ensures that your muscles are getting a steady stream of nutrients throughout the entire day. What does this have to do with metabolism? The steady stream of nutrients keeps your entire internal system active throughout the day - and yes your stomach churning out the food you’re ingesting actually burns calories!

  1. I know you didn’t just walk out the house on an empty stomach!
One of my biggest pet peeves and something that still strikes me as the pinnacle of idiocy till this day is people who just straight up get out of bed, shower and get out of the house and go to work or school without having had breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of your day. Get that shit through your thick ass skull alright? Why is breakfast important? It primes your metabolism for the entire day, it kickstarts everything after the hours of slumber you were experiencing in bed. It gets the system powered up, fired up and ready to rock and roll. Eat that shit.

  1. What’s on the side? Protein that’s what!
I never have a meal that doesn’t have a source of protein in it. That’s not to say I’m eating a grilled chicken breast with everything (though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to). Your breakfast should have eggs in it, your snacks should have legumes, yogurt or sources of dairy, evidently your lunch/dinner should have chicken, meat or fish, and so on. Just make sure that all your meals (ought to be somewhere between 4 - 6 meals per day) have a contributing source of protein. This is important as scientific studies prove that the ingestion of protein promotes boosted metabolism rates and regulates hormones which can directly influence your metabolism.

  1. You best be eating them brainy foods girl!
If you didn’t know by now, I’ll tell you. There are many foods which are directly linked with improving the efficiency of how your brain operates. These foods are mainly the ones which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These can include salmon, tuna and other seafood in addition to nuts, coconut, olive and canola oils. Make sure to incorporate those into your diet on a regular basis as their effect on boosting one’s metabolism has been scientifically proven (and it doesn’t hurt if you gain some IQ points in the process!)

  1. The hell you awake after midnight for?
Get your punk ass in bed. Sleeping early means that you are more in sync with your body’s natural hormone cycle. If you decide to pull an allnighter for no other reason than the fact the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians would be live at 2 AM your time then you deserve the pot belly you’re currently owning. Staying up past a certain point wrecks internal havoc for your hormones as your body must fight the subconscious need to rest. Sleeping early means your hormones are better regulated and therefore are positively influencing your metabolism. Unless you really have to, try and be in bed by 10 or 11 PM max.

  1. You best be spicing it up!
There was a point in history when certain spices were worth their weight in gold. For good reason. Take a look at most societies and cultures where spices are heavily used in their diet. Think India for instance, those dudes are gorging on rice left and right but don’t seem to look any bigger than your average science fair entrant. Why is that? Well, aside from predominant genetics influenced by a limited gene pool due to inbreeding, their spices. Spices such as cayenne peppers, paprika or chilli have chemical components in them which forces the body to raise its internal temperature (which is why you sweat when you eat Indian) which in turn boost your body’s overall metabolism. It doesn’t just stop there though, spices doesn’t translate to spicy things alone, cinnamon is another spice that has been linked to improved metabolism as well as the ability to regular blood sugar and prevent insulin spikes, so make sure to dunk a teaspoon in your coffee, cereal, yogurt or oatmeal. Make sure you’re spicing your meals and beverages up whenever possible.

  1. Yo no usa drogas! Yo soy una droga!
It may surprise you, but a lot of the drugs we take for granted and consume without a second though can have a direct effect on your metabolism. There are many birth control pills, diabetes medications and other drugs that have been linked to slowing down the metabolism. Make sure you check with your doctor or pharmacist about side effects to ensure you’re not setting yourself back a notch. Its all about a little bit of research.

  1. Drown in it!
Pop quiz: What is 70% of you? If your answer was anything other than water and/or bullshit, then you’re wrong. Water is arguably the most important component in your nutrition/lifestyle and aside from keeping you hydrated and feeling fresh (and running to the restroom on a bi-hourly basis) it ensures all internal functions are running in top form. Increased water intake (think 3 - 5 liters per day) guarantees boosted metabolism and heightened functions.

  1. Complicate your carbs
Something else I’ve mentioned before on my blog is the need to incorporate more complex carbohydrates in your diet and getting rid of simple carbs altogether. Complex carbs are more in lieu with one’s fitness goals as their chemical composition doesn’t result in insulin spikes the same way simple carbs do, meaning that the chances of them being converted into fat and stored are lessened! Complex carbs can include anything made from whole wheat (bread, past, rice), sweet potatoes, legumes and many vegetables.

The above is by no means an exhaustive list of the things one can do or change in regards to their lifestyle so that their metabolism can be boosted. Boosting your metabolism means the ceiling of the calories you need to consume every day is raised to match your updated level of activity, which in turn allows you to eat (slightly) more!

It’s important to note that the biggest influence on our metabolism is our genetics. Some of us are born with the gift of high metabolism (Ectomorphs) and can generally go through life without a care in the world about what we eat. Some of us, including myself, aren’t so lucky as they store fat easily (Endomorphs) and are forced to fight a battle against their genetic code and influence it and eventually subdue it. But trust me when I say, it can be done. It ain’t easy, but it’s certainly within your grasp if you want it bad enough.

As with everything else, metabolism slows down with age as the human body withers and the need for that many calories diminishes. Staying active well into your later years will guarantee that your metabolism is still miles ahead of your more...sedentary fellow senile citizens.

Get crackin’!


  1. That piece corrected lots of common misconceptions! Thank you

  2. I love your blog, but im no where near being on the right track thought you might help a sister out (yo)
    1-Im not overweight, 58 kg and 166 cm, im fit, i play sports on a regular basis, not dedicated to gym though, yet my body isnt shaped perfectly and its mainly because of my diet, i eat one meal per day (which u now cleared up to how bad it is)
    2- i hate nearly all the kinds of foods you mentioned above and i dont like water so i end up eating protein/carbs once a day
    3-i cant seem to find most of things that look good in our local market like salmon or avocado...etc so where can i find all the healthy things here?
    4-where can i get a workout routine i can stick to since im always lost in the gym not really doing much

    Im sorry for such a long post

    1. 1- Thank you! We aim to please!
      2- When it comes to proper nutrition, there's no such thing as love or hate. Food is fuel. The whole point of getting creative in the kitchen with recipes is learning how to work foods you don't like into your diet (because they're good for you) by learning how to mask or alter their flavor using creative recipes, and the Internet certainly has no shortage of that.
      3- Good shopping is about good research as well as a liberal attitude towards your bank account. For quality ingredients, Gourmet will never disappoint. Quality veggies can be delivered to your door step every week by Makar Farms (visit their Facebook page and order the weekly basket by messaging them)
      4- A workout routine ultimately depends on your goals. Do you want to lose fat? Gain muscle? Develop stamina? Increase flexibility? Every goal has its own nutrition/exercise plan. depends on what you want. If you're subscribed into a fancy gym like Gold's or World's then the trainers there should be more than capable of putting you on a plan. If you want to go rogue and solo you can always look into for a customized and personalized 8 week nutrition/exercise plan made just for you depending on your goals.

      Hope this helps.
